Friday, October 26, 2007

Time flies! I seem to be saying that alot in my life lately.

Well, Kurt's birthday party went well and he was blessed with many wonderful gifts and fun time with his family and friends. Now he has a bit of a cold and his mother hates it when her little one is under the weather. I have to remember that this helps him build his immune system. Right???

In other news from my world we are down to one car again. This time it's my husband's car; I just hope it doesn't cost to much to fix. Why does it seem that things break when money is tight? Well, I guess it give us an opportunity to test God. The Bible tells us to test God when it comes to money. We will remain faithful to him as I know He will always be faithful to His children. Time for a test!!!

This week at church we are having bring a friend day; which in my opinion should be every Sunday but anyway we also have our first church luncheon after the service. SO if any one really reads this please pray that all goes well. Alot to do and to few people to do it. You know what I mean. Thanks and I'll let you know how everything goes.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Catching up

This week has been busy but somehow I 'm not exactly sure where all the time went. Monday was a holiday(ha!ha!) and Dad was home so the day is usually a bit different and I feel like I get nothing much done. We did go to our nieces soccer game and saw some friends who we hadn't seen in a while including some former students of mine which always makes me feel old. Tuesday we went back to school and we had an extra student because I ended up watching our pastors daughter because he had to go to the hospital with kidney stones. Those things are SO painful. I have had them and agree with the statement that "most women would rather give birth than have a kidney stone". The rest of the week has been good.

This week I'm going to be getting ready for Kurt's birthday party which is on Sat. I can"t believe he is going to be 6 on the 24th. Where does the time go? He has grown so much in the last year and he is such a blessing to his parents. I'll let you know how the party goes. Have a great week!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

God's Goodness

Wow! I can't believe it's October. The weather here has been breaking records for a few days now. It feels a bit strange to walk outside in the falling leaves when it is 86 degrees. I just have to remind myself that the cooler temps are sure to come.....Soon!
Homeschooling is going well. Kurt is already reading some words and that makes Mommy and Daddy very proud. It amazes me how starting school at the right time in a child's life can make or break them. I've had so many experiences where a parent has made a child start school before they are ready and it just made the rest of their school years a struggle (I taught Kindergarten for 7 yrs.) I can tell from working with Kurt a little bit last year what that extra year for his brain to grow and mature has done to help it all sink in this year.

On another note I'd like to praise God for His provision. My husband and I have been very active in helping start a new church in our area. We have been meeting for over a year now. Some of the time we have meet in a chapel at a Christian camp and when the weather got to cold we meet at a fire hall. Needless to say we were anxiously waiting on God to provide a church building for us to meet in. God has so graciously provide and we will have our first service there this Sunday. We will rent the building for now and the people that still meet there have been so nice and helpful. I'm so excited to see how God is going to work.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I come from a large family. I have three older brothers and a younger sister. We are all grown and have our own families but we are still fairly close.
This weekend was a great example of what family is about. My parents had some junk on their property that had to be cleaned up( DEP said so). All of us came home to Mom and Dad's to help them get it cleaned up and we spent most of the day working on it. It was great because we got to see each other and work together and all the cousins got to play together for a while.
I'm so grateful for my family and for the fact that I was raised in a Christian home.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Another week has gone by and homeschooling is going well. Kurt is starting to understand that he needs to listen during school and not be so bossy.
On another note I have had the opportunity to open our home to friends this week and I so enjoyed it . On Friday I had a Tupperware party and we had such a fun time (thanks Mrs.Purdy) then on Sunday we had our monthly ladies Bible study.It was such a good time of getting to know each other and getting to know our Lord better too. On Wednesday we will be hosting a small group from our church, I look froward to that as well. When ever I have the opportunity to have folks over I do because I am always blessed.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Resource Review

Good website for homescholing families,

Fall pleasures

Well the first week of homeschooling went pretty good considering it was the first week. Of course I did have a few issues with my son wanting to be boss and tell me how it was going to be. I hope we got that under control.
On another note this weekend I was able to go and minister to my best friend as she is in the process of adjusting to a new life. (new job and her son starting school) I pray my little bit of help was an encouragement to her and hope she knows how much I love her and know she can make it through this hard time.
As I'm writing this blog my husband is watching the first game of the new football season, that is if he can hear it through his SNORING! He really loves those Eagles. The start of football always makes me feel good, not because I love football but because it means cooler temps. are coming, beautiful fall colors,burning candles and the holidays right around the corner.
Well hope all of you have a great week and I'll talk to you next week.

Monday, September 3, 2007

New Start

Wow, How time flies! With the new shool year starting I thought I would give this a try again. It's like a chance to start over. Tomorrow I will start homeschooling my son and my niece both of them are in Kindergarten. They are very excited and so am I. I'm just very thankful for the opportunity to teach them at home. I will try to blog as often as I can.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Today I'm thankful for God's protection on me and my family.
The tragedy in Virginia this week and bad weather here in Pa has brought this to my mind.
No matter where we are God is with us to watch over us.Praise Him!! We had some heavy snow this week at my house and some strong winds, which brought down a tree in the back yard. As I looked out I was thankful for the way the tree fell, it could have hit the house if it fell a different direction.
God takes such good care of me. If He cares for the sparrows I know He will care for me.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Purposeful Living

I don't think there are many Americans who aren't thinking about or talking about the tragedy in Virginia yesterday. Pray for those people affected by this horrible event. When talking about it with people who may not know the Lord use it as a opportunity to witness to them. God will bring some good out of this.

Each of us are affected by this in different ways. For me right now it's a reminder of how fleeting our life is. We never know when we or someone we love will be taken away. We need to live each day with purpose. Sometimes we let yesterdays and tomorrows fill our minds and today slips right on by. We need to make today our focus and live it that way.

Whether we have laundry to complete or a visit to a dying relative. Just do it!!! Don't put off things that need to be done. Get it done today! Don't put off saying things that need to be said. Do it today!!! Always keep God as the priority for your day. Let's commit to living our life with purpose and on purpose,for we have no promise of tomorrow.

Wow! Sorry I had to "preach" today but it was on my heart and I had to say it. I have to practice what I preach,right!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Today I'm thankful for friendship. The close friends and the friends who I only see a few times a year.

I have to tell you this story about my son. The other day I went to call my best buddy,Jennie and Kurt wanted to know who I was calling. I gave him so hints to get him to guess. I said" Who does mom like to spend time and go places with and talk to. He said, "Daddy!" I was so glad he said that. I'm thankful that he sees that Mom and Dad are friends. I pray he never stops seeing that. I'm thankful for the freindship I have with my husband.

I 'm also thankful for the girlfriends God has given me. Some I just chat with occasionally and then there's my best friend who sometime I talk to several times a day. She is a one of a kind friend who I cherish very much. For a few year I was praying that God would bring me a best friend. I persued different friendships in hopes that they'd be the best friend I needed, but God knew much better than I.One day at a ladies Bible study God put her right in front of me, literally. Ever since then we have developed a wonderful friendship and I look forward to the years ahead. Thank you Jennie for being my best friend!!!

Take a moment today to thank God for your friends and thank your friends as well.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sorry, It's been so long since I posted. I've been struggling with some health issue lately.

I thought I would combine my Thankful Thursday with a Marriage Monday.

I am truly blessed with a wonderful husband and I am so thankful for that. Just like in every marriage we have our moments but I am making an effort to dwell on the positive.

Where do I start?

He is very helpful around the house. He takes care of the dishes and trash, helps pick up if it needs to be done and will vacuum as well. He also has a sports room in the basement which I don't have to worry about at all because he take care of it.

He is also very caring and loving to me. I know that he would do anything I asked him to do if it was within his means to do it. He calls me "beautiful" on a daily basis and sometimes several times a day. He refuses to leave the house without kissing me goodbye and telling me he loves me.

I do feel truly blessed to have him in my life and I thank God for giving him to me.

I'm going to try to keep focusing on the positive and see how that helps our marriage be even stronger.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Our Tongue

James 3:8 "No man can tame the tongue. It is restless evil, full of deadly poison." God has brought this verse to mind after a difficult day on Monday. Sometimes I just get started with my mouth and I can't stop. Why? I need to remember that I can't tame it. I have to ask God to tame it and then allow Him to do so.

My poor husband is unfortunately the one who usually gets the "deadly poison " of my tongue. Why is it that we hurt the ones we love the most? To my husband I say sorry again. He is a wonderful husband and so undeserving of my evil tongue.

To my heavenly father I say sorry and PLEASE help me to allow you to tame my tongue!! Help me to stop and think before I speak. Help me to be sensitive to your Holy Spirit.

This needs to be my daily prayer!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Wow! It's thankful Thursday again. Time sometimes really flies.

Well, today I'm thankful for the fact that I live so close to my family. I had to make a visit to the doctors office today and its so nice to have someone close to watch my little buddy.(thanks Grandma) It's also nice for my son to have cousins to play with almost on a daily basis.

I'm thankful that my family gets along so well. When there are so many families that live far from each other or don't speak to each other, I really appreciate this. It does take work and understanding and forgiveness and... I could go on but I'm sure you understand.

So whether you have a large family that you hold dear or family you wish you could sometimes trade in on a new one, cherish them and thank God for them!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Today is so beautiful outside. I think spring has sprung. I love the fact that we have four seasons to enjoy. I think we all enjoy the change. God is so wise and knows exactly what we need.

Just like in real life, we have different seasons to enjoy. So enjoy today. The season of the year and the season of life that you happen to be in!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Several of the blogs that I read on a regular basis have a "Thankful Thursday" entry each Thursday.

So I thought that was a really good idea. I've decided to also post a "Thankful Thursday" entry each week. I don't think we can ever be to thankful for all of God's blessings.

So I'd like to start with how thankful I am for the season of life that I'm in right now.

I'm thankful that I can be a stay-at-home mom. I'm thankful for the time I get to spend teaching and guiding my son. I don't want to leave that job up to anyone else.

I'm thankful for my husband's job that enables me to be home. We have made sacrifices in order to make that happen, but it's soooooooo worth it!!

I'm thankful that ED(my husband) and I are the most influencial people in our son's life. These are the most informative years of his life and I'm so glad we're here to influence him. I pray that we are being the Godly influence that he needs and that God wants us to be.

I'm thankful that I have the time to take our son to his little music class or to the park when the weather is nicer.

I guess when it comes down to it I'm thankful for TIME!! It's the most valuable thing I have and I'm grateful to be able to give it to my precious family!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I love Surprises

I had such a fun day yesterday that I wanted to share.For those of you who don't know me very well I am privileged to live very close to most of my family. My sister is next door,my brother next to her and my parents next to him. I usually refer to it as the family estate. My niece just recently turned 16yrs. old(my brother's daughter)and we all know what that means...DRIVING!!! This past week I found out that a couple in my church was interested in selling a car at a very reasonable price. I called my brother to see if he was interested and he was. He purchased the car for my niece. Now the surprise!! We hide the car in my garage, put a nice bow and gift tag on it and some of the family hide out in the garage Til she arrived. I called her to come over and told her to go through the garage. When she opened the door we all yelled SURPRISE! She was so surprised she said "Surprise what" we all pointed at the car and she immediately started to cry. She made me cry too. It was such a precious moment(I did catch it on video). She is such a sweet girl and very responsible.I was so blessed to be a part of the whole thing!!!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

The Church

I was recently visiting with a group of women who I don't know very well and they attend a different church than I do and they were discussing how the church had to let their youth pastor go because of financial difficulties. They said the only way to keep him was if everyone could give more. They agreed that this wasn't an option because things now a days are so expensive, like children's sports and activities. I was saddened by this to think that their children's social activites were more important than God's work. Please don't misunderstand ,I believe children need to be social but I feel the work of God should be a priority in our lives. So often we put our pleasure or our families pleasures and wants ahead of God and church. I pray that I can keep my priorities straight and give God the proper place: First place in my life!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I thought I would take a few moments to expalin how I came up with my title. First of all let me say that I love to decorate and fuss to make things look nice. I was thinking about how everyones life is so different. Some of us are married and parents while others are single and looking( boy I'm glad I'm done looking). All of us have made different choices and have had different experiences and they make up the "decorations " of our life. I pray that the "decorations " of my life will reflect Jesus and how much I love Him and want to please Him.

Monday, March 12, 2007


This is my first time to blog. I have read many blogs and find them to be interesting and encouraging, so I decide to do one for myself. I pray my entries will be an encouragement to those who may read them.