Sunday, April 18, 2010

Almost one year

Ok, so I'm not good at blogging...that is pretty obvious. However, I have alot to write about these days.

In February I turned 40 and wondered what this new decade would be like. Little did I know what was gonna come my way. In March, I found out that I was Pregnant! Yes, you read that write PREGNANT! I could not believe it!!! Ed and I had a hard time getting pregnant with Kurtis so we never expected this. I was in shock for quite awhile...maybe even denial; but it has finally sunk in! Seeing that little body on the ultrasound has a way of doing that.

I have been feeling pretty good but can't get over how tired I have been. No morning sickness just nauseated sometimes in the evening. Having a baby at 40 is alot different than at ya, about ten years! :) The doctors are gonna drive me crazy with all the tests they want me to have. This week they called and want me to have a scan that will give them a closer look at the baby because there was a 2 to 3 week difference in my due date. That is what the nurse said at least; but somehow I don't think they are telling me the whole truth. I will be questioning the office when they call to schedule.

Today, I was an emotional wreck. This was the first time I was so bad. I just had so many thoughts running thru my head and just cried for awhile. My poor boys didn't know what to do or think. It was just something I had to work thru on my own. So now, I have a headache that is just awful. Why is it that when I cry I always get a headache??? But after a nap this afternoon and an encouraging phone call from a dear friend I am emotionally feeling better!! I'm so thankful that God knows just what we need and when!

Well, I hope to do better at this blogging thing so I have a record of this new adventure that God has me on! Until next time...