Sunday, September 9, 2007

Fall pleasures

Well the first week of homeschooling went pretty good considering it was the first week. Of course I did have a few issues with my son wanting to be boss and tell me how it was going to be. I hope we got that under control.
On another note this weekend I was able to go and minister to my best friend as she is in the process of adjusting to a new life. (new job and her son starting school) I pray my little bit of help was an encouragement to her and hope she knows how much I love her and know she can make it through this hard time.
As I'm writing this blog my husband is watching the first game of the new football season, that is if he can hear it through his SNORING! He really loves those Eagles. The start of football always makes me feel good, not because I love football but because it means cooler temps. are coming, beautiful fall colors,burning candles and the holidays right around the corner.
Well hope all of you have a great week and I'll talk to you next week.

1 comment:

lori said...

popped over from the resource review blog...go steelers!!;)

you can take a girl out of the 'burgh but you can't take the 'burgh out of the girl!
I miss the seasons in pennsylvania!
A southerner now...:)
Glad I stopped by!