Thursday, March 27, 2008

Catching up

This week has been a little discouraging because Ed didn't get that position at work which he was hoping to get. We were both disappointed but we know God is faithful and He sees the whole picture and has our best interest in mind. Our job is to wait on Him. God gave me two verses yesterday that I copied and put around the house to encourage us. They were:

Isaiah 30:18b
" For the Lord is a God of justice.
Blessed are all who wait for him!"

Psalms 27:14
"Wait for the Lord; be strong and take
heart and wait for the Lord."

So we will wait on the Lord and I know He will bless us!

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Wow It has been such a long time since I've written. If you haven't guessed yet I'm not that great at writing. I read my last entry and can tell you that God IS always faithful. We have been faithful to God in our giving and He has done just what He promised. Why do we ever question that???

Life has been busy as I know that's the case for 99% of the world. Isn't it interesting how everyone has a different view on what busy is. I know that my schedule isn't as full as many of my friends or family yet I feel my life is busy. huh! Let's just remember to never be to busy for God and to seek Him daily. Our relationship with Him NEEDS to be first.

Kurtis has been involved in a basketball league the last few months. It has been so much fun watching him play and interact with the other players. Boys are so competative, something there born with and I often wonder why? He has done a great job and has learned so much.

Ed has been working hard as always and he has applied for a new position at the bank it would be a step up so please pray that God's will will be done in that situation. He should be interviewed in the next week or two.

I will TRY to update my blog more often.