Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Another month has slipped right by! Oh, how I love February; probably because of Valentine's day and my birthday happens to be in this month as well.

For Valentine's day this year we went away for the weekend. We attended "A Weekend to Remember" conference in Hershey. For those who may not know what that is a marriage conference by Family Life! We went to one last year and loved it, so this year we were able to get two other couples to atend with us. It was such a blessing to see the marriage of people we loved, strengthened! They both thought it was a great weekend (well worth the money)! I would strongly encourage any and all married people to attend! It is simply life-changing!!

On my birthday we had church and then went out for dinner to one of my favorite places the "Olive Garden" with some dear friends from church, got to take a little rest and then had Ladies Bible study that night! It was a wonderful day!

Ed's job isn't any better and each day is a struggle but God is giving him the strength to make it through and I am trying to be the best cheerleader I can be! We believe God has new and exciting things for us in the future! Please keep us in your prayers!