Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Well, so far 2013 hasn't been very kind to our family. It started out with me having the flu and then the rest of the family getting a touch of it. Now to finish out the month our washer decided to break.

  In every situation we can choice to dwell on the negative or find some positive. I can't really find much positive in being sick other than some much needed rest.
  The washer problem... we discovered when we pulled out the dryer that the vent was broke and lint was collecting behind it,kinda dangerous,so I was very glad to clean it out. Also, I'm so grateful to have a Dad that can fix almost anything and he was able to take it apart and we have the new part to replace tomorrow. Fingers crossed that it runs like new when we're done.

  My Celebrating Home business is going well. I had 4 parties this month and a new recruit. I'm so excited and blessed to be part of this wonderful company.
   Well, February is right around the corner, it is my favorite month. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite and my birthday is this month as well so that contributes to it being my favorite.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


                       January 2013
     I'm going to try this again....

        ALOT has happened since my last post 3 years ago. We have be blessed with a beautiful daughter Kara Elizabeth. She is 27 months old and she brings such joy to our family.
      Kurtis is growing up way to fast. He is 11 years old now and in 5th grade. He has been homeschooled ever since Kindergarten and I'm so grateful that we can do that. He loves to be with people (just like Dad), loves his video games,amusement parks and watching wrestling( Moms not so thrilled about that). 
      Ed is still working in the banking industry and is very active in our church.
      I'm the stay at home Mom, which I love. I also have recently started my own homebased business with "Celebrating Home". I love the company and their products.   
      I hope to be better at blogging...leave me a comment so I know if someone is actually reading this...Thanks!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Yes its been months since I blogged, but I don't think anyone reads this so no big deal!!
Well I am now 36 weeks pregnant and I'm scheduled for a c-section on Oct. 6. The doctor suggested it because of the size that Kurtis was and this one seems to be headed in the same direction. It's nice to know the exact day but I'm not looking forward to the surgery. I need to keep my mind on the prize for going through the surgery... My Baby Girl! Yes that's right a girl. I am so excited and can't wait to dress her up in all the cute outfits that were given to us.
Kurtis is VERY excited about being a big brother, he just can'twait! He has started school again and it has taken a bit to get back in the groove of things. He has the same teacher as last year which is great he really liked her. She is so understanding about the baby coming cause she just had one herself.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's Offical

Well, I went for that level two ultrasound and they determined my due date...Oct. 12! That means that I am 17 weeks today. Almost to the half way mark,that is hard for me to believe. The doctor said that the baby is off to a good start and I will go back for another u/s May 24th. I'm hoping to find out what it is then. :) I've been feeling less tired ,but still have my emotional cave ins. I'm learning to be more aware of them and work through them. I just get so overwhelmed with it all!!

In other news, Kurt and I are looking forward to the end of school. He has done so well with this online school that we will do it again next year. His teacher recommended him for the gifted language arts program for 3rd grade. I decided to hold off on that for next year because I won't have the time to give him any extra help it may require. If he does well again next year,then maybe in 4th grade. We will see!

Ed's job is going well. He is hoping to get a good raise in June. He will be there a year already.

We have gone down to one car for now. It hasn't been to bad so far. Scheduling appointments has been a bit hairy, but I just need to get a better handle on Ed's schedule in order to make it work better! There have been a few times where Kurt has wanted to go somewhere and we couldn't but it's a good learning experience for him. Speaking of learning experiences, Kurt had a big one just the other night. HE made the choice to stay home with Mom instead of going bowling with his dad. His plan was to stay outside and play with his cousins for most of the time. However ,the cousins were only home for about an hour and he was left with just me. Well ,he started to cry that he wanted to go bowling with Dad. It was way to late at that point. I explained to him that he had made his choice and he was gonna have to live with it. It took him awhile to settle down. It so hard as a Mom to have to watch your child go through a difficult learning experience. Deep down inside I knew it was good for him ,but it was certainly hard on his Momma.
Ever since I was a young mom I knew I needed to teach him how to make good choices. That is what life is about. Some choices are BIG and some very insignificant. We make choices all day long and I hope and pray that I am teaching him how to make good Godly choices whether big or small.
Well enough for now....until next time...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Almost one year

Ok, so I'm not good at blogging...that is pretty obvious. However, I have alot to write about these days.

In February I turned 40 and wondered what this new decade would be like. Little did I know what was gonna come my way. In March, I found out that I was Pregnant! Yes, you read that write PREGNANT! I could not believe it!!! Ed and I had a hard time getting pregnant with Kurtis so we never expected this. I was in shock for quite awhile...maybe even denial; but it has finally sunk in! Seeing that little body on the ultrasound has a way of doing that.

I have been feeling pretty good but can't get over how tired I have been. No morning sickness just nauseated sometimes in the evening. Having a baby at 40 is alot different than at ya, about ten years! :) The doctors are gonna drive me crazy with all the tests they want me to have. This week they called and want me to have a scan that will give them a closer look at the baby because there was a 2 to 3 week difference in my due date. That is what the nurse said at least; but somehow I don't think they are telling me the whole truth. I will be questioning the office when they call to schedule.

Today, I was an emotional wreck. This was the first time I was so bad. I just had so many thoughts running thru my head and just cried for awhile. My poor boys didn't know what to do or think. It was just something I had to work thru on my own. So now, I have a headache that is just awful. Why is it that when I cry I always get a headache??? But after a nap this afternoon and an encouraging phone call from a dear friend I am emotionally feeling better!! I'm so thankful that God knows just what we need and when!

Well, I hope to do better at this blogging thing so I have a record of this new adventure that God has me on! Until next time...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Well like I said before I knew it it is now May.

This month has a special day in it for all us Moms...Mother's Day. This Mother's day was a nice day but I was focused on what a privilege it is to be a Mom. I waited a long time to have my precious son and there are some women who will never have the privilege to be called Mom. I don't ever want to take for granted the fact that a wonderful boy calls me "Mommy". Because of this privilege I've been given I strive to be the best Mom I can be. A God honoring mom! There are many days I fail at this tasks but God's mercies are new each morning and I can rise each day and strive again.

Speaking of motherhood I would like to share some things that have made me smile in my motherhood recently. When Kurt had hurt his big toe,while he was telling me about it he referred to his big toe as his big foot finger. I have to smile every time I hear that.

Another instance he was looking at a form to fill out with his information in case he ever got lost or kidnapped (God forbid) but as he was reading the different entries he came to the "race"....he said "Mommy is this so they know how fast I can go". I just love the innocence of children.

Last month I mention we were embarking on a journey that I wasn't sure where it would take us... well I now know that this journey will keep us right where we are(geographically speaking). I am so thankful for God's guidance and I know that His plans are best for me.

Kurt and I can see the end of school very near and I think were both looking forward to it. He is also looking forward to going camping over the Memorial Day weekend. I am as well but I don't think I'm as excited as he is.

Until next time...

Friday, April 10, 2009


April is here and you'd think the sun would be shining and the warmth would be outside but neither is happen at my home. The beginning of this month has been cold and rainy. Times flies so I know that May will be here soon!

I have to tell you that this week I participated in a online women's conference for the first time. It was so cool to be able to hear all the wonderful speakers and still be at home. We were even able to chat with the speakers and ask any questions we might have had. I was able to connect with one of the speakers and now we are friends on facebook. I just think it is so cool! Computers are a great way to reach alot of people. Which makes me think about how some people I know that think the computer is an evil thing that Satan is using. Well, I agree that Satan can use the computer for his evil BUT Christians are using it as well to further Christ's kingdom. The computer itself isn't evil, it's how a person chooses to use the computer that can be evil. It's all about our choice, that's what life is about choices. Let's make good choices that please our heavenly father. Amen?!

Life here at our house hasn't changed much. Ed is in the same position at the bank and just taken it a day at a time. I feel God has bigger things in store for Ed. You'll have to stay tuned to see what I mean. We have embarked on a journey that I'm not certain of the outcome yet. I will let you know later!

Kurtis finished his Upward basketball program and his Awana program as well. He received his ribbon for finishing his 2nd year Sparkie book. I'm so proud of him! There is alot he had to memorize and he did such a good job!

We are both looking forward to finishing school and having a bit of a break. I'm thinking about my options for next year,cause I'm not 100% sure of what we're gonna do as far as school is concerned.

Easter is just a few days away and I'm having my in-laws for dinner. Looking forward to fussing over the meal(i like to fuss). I'm preparing ham,of course, mashed potatoes,candied carrots,ambrosia pistachio salad, deviled eggs,rolls and butter and for dessert some chocolate chip cheesecake. Looking forward to it!

Well, until next time...