Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Yes its been months since I blogged, but I don't think anyone reads this so no big deal!!
Well I am now 36 weeks pregnant and I'm scheduled for a c-section on Oct. 6. The doctor suggested it because of the size that Kurtis was and this one seems to be headed in the same direction. It's nice to know the exact day but I'm not looking forward to the surgery. I need to keep my mind on the prize for going through the surgery... My Baby Girl! Yes that's right a girl. I am so excited and can't wait to dress her up in all the cute outfits that were given to us.
Kurtis is VERY excited about being a big brother, he just can'twait! He has started school again and it has taken a bit to get back in the groove of things. He has the same teacher as last year which is great he really liked her. She is so understanding about the baby coming cause she just had one herself.

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